Wednesday, December 07, 2011

My Book Studio Edition II review

I have to tell you how much I really am enjoying the security of my new WD My Book Studio Edition II dual-drive storage system.  It's a special external hard drive for creative professionals. With my well over 3,000 photos, large website, blogs, articles, books, and book cover designs I needed something much more than the memory on my Macbook laptop.

WD (Western Digital) to the rescue! It took me only a few minutes to get it loaded and set up. Because of what I do, I need it to protect and back up my work often. It stores and protects without my noticing the activity. I can barely even hear it working! I love, love, love this back up/storage/hard drive.

The firewire works seemlessly (though there are other options) and I can find anything on my external hard drive as simply as if it's on my laptop. Wonderful product!! Just had to share. If there were a star system to use on this it would get 5 out of 5!

You can find more information at:
My version is very compact and has a tiny footprint on my desk. It's about 6"X6"X4" and can hold the memory of my laptop so many times I lost count! My design software can store on it and not slow down my laptop. Happy, happy day! (A slow laptop costs me money as time ticks away from me.)

WDH2Q20000Quad Interface2 TBWindows/Mac

Thank you for a great and simple product to use and special thanks to Western Digital for the opportunity to review this product for them in my business.
Angie Breidenbach, author/speaker/coach

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