Thou Shalt Not Covet
God provided the Ten Commandments as boundaries for our life. We are safe and in God’s grace when we remain within those perimeters. However, what happens when we knowingly break one of those Commandments? What happens to our life when we break the tenth and final rule?
My latest book, The Circle of Friends, Book IV…Mike, presents such a scenario.
When the story begins, Mike is in his final semester at Georgia Tech and living off campus with two friends, Matt and Sarah. Matt is a fellow teammate and his best friend, and Mike adores his roommate’s wife, Sarah. However, his feelings for Matt’s wife go beyond friendship. Before the couple married, Mike realized he loved Sarah. He has been forthcoming and honest with Matt, who trusts that Mike will never act upon his feelings, but his desire remains.
Mike is fighting many battles. Guilt from a past situation has caused him to act cautious with girlfriends. As his love for Sarah grows, he also finds himself struggling with physical frustrations. Fearful he will act upon those lustful impulses, Mike withdraws completely from other women. This in turn causes him to fixate on Sarah even more. The cycle of guilt becomes endless for Mike and he feels trapped.
The real source of Mike’s misery can be found in his desire for Sarah. He wants what he cannot obtain. He has broken the tenth Commandment and covets his friend’s wife. “You must not be envious of your neighbor’s house, or want to sleep with his wife…” Exodus 20:17. Mike values his Christian beliefs and understands his desire is wrong. This knowledge does not stop his feelings, though, and he is consumed with guilt.
God does not want us filled with guilt or envy. Those feelings inhibit our growth. We are unable to move forward in our Christian walk when such things devour our hearts. Guilt and envy prevent us from connecting with God and His people. We are literally cut off from the body of Christ.
How do we escape such a self-created prison?
First, we must recognize that we have a problem with sin. Then we must act by asking God to forgive us and seek His assistance to remove those feelings from our heart. Once we have truly surrendered to His will, God will show us other opportunities in our life. He will reveal something greater than what we coveted.
Lest you are still worrying about Mike and his dilemma… He eventually asks God to free him from his lustful desires, and God reveals the path He intended for Mike to take. And what he originally desired pales in comparison.
But that is a whole different chapter!
L. Diane Wolfe, professional speaker & author
A prisoner of guilt for so long…
Mike Taylor is the epitome of stability. His family is proud of his academic and athletic achievements at Georgia Tech, and despite the temptations of college life, he has maintained his moral standards.
Yet beneath the peaceful surface, Mike is consumed with guilt, fearing condemnation and rejection. A former girlfriend’s abortion and the intense love he feels for his roommate’s wife constantly remind Mike of his failures. Unable to forget and full of shame, he refuses to forgive himself.
When Danielle enters his life, he realizes he can no longer hide the past. Will she be able to reach him or is Mike past the point of redemption?
Release date: October 6, 2009
$19.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 300 pages, Fiction/YA
ISBN 978-0-9816210-4-3 / 0-9816210-4-X
Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. www.dancinglemurpress.com
“Book IV…Mike is such a powerful, engrossing, incredible, beautiful novel. But it still manages to be light hearted, funny and heart felt. There is real emotion and real people in these pages…”
- The Book Pedler
“Book IV will grab you where you live, and will not leave you disappointed.”
-Michael Douglas
“MIKE is an engaging story of friendship, love and overcoming guilt caused by past mistakes. A well-written work, Ms. Wolfe has a storytelling style that captivates.”
- Susan Eileen Walker, author of ‘The Secret of the Dance’
“I highly recommend your books to both young and old-'er'. It's inspiring how these young adults support one another, but that's what friendship is about at any age!”
- Darlene Wofford, author of ‘Edgewise’
Author Bio: Described as “encouragement personified”, L. Diane Wolfe’s five-book Southern-based series portrays love and friendship overcoming all obstacles. Known as “Spunk On A Stick” to her fans, Wolfe is also a professional speaker. Originally from Oregon, she now resides in North Carolina. “With a positive attitude, any goal can be achieved!”
Interact with Diane at these sites:
The Circle of Friends
Diane’s Blog
Spunk on A Stick
Book IV online-
B&N -
The Circle of Friends
Book I
Book II
Book III
Angie I love how you used the Commandments, namely the Tenth, in identifying and describing the dilemma and difficulties the main character in Book IV faces. I could say so much, but basically God does provide the answers and the help for us, if we but listen and ASK for his guidance. There is always hope, and a way "out" of any given situation we find ourselves in, or struggling with.
Book IV - Mike, sounds like a wonderful example of how we, ourselves are unable to conquer; yet with and by the grace of God, we can free ourselves and live the life we know in our hearts is right. We can live the life we were meant to live.
Thank you Angie for the opportunity to share on your blog and for wrapping up my tour for this book!
Sounds like you did a great job of tackling some tough decisions your character has to make. I like stories where the character is strengthened by tough experiences and chooses the right path.There are way too many stories out there where the character is weak and doesn't grow, especially on TV or in the movies.
Morgan Mandel
Thank you all for visiting! I'm very excited to support Diane's career. She has a fresh look on this topic. Thank you for being my guest post today :-)
Amen Morgan!
And thanks again Angie!
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