Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Big Picture: Pathology by Walter L. Kemp, Dennis K. Burns and Travis G. Brown

You are in for a treat! Today I'm sharing a great tool for everyone. This book is written by one of my friends, Walter L. Kemp, for his pathology classes. He's the Deputy State Medical Examiner of Montana, by the way, so he kind of knows what he's talking about ;-)

What's so special? Okay, for starters, the organizational factor. The guy who wrote it is a very organized thinker. That makes his readers especially blessed. No more chasing the pages for bits and pieces. It's all in one place and easy to understand as a newbie to pathology. As a bonus, great photos that aren't grainy or blurry accompany almost every page.

When The Big Picture: Pathology started, it was for a class the author was teaching. Walter (Willy, as he's known to friends) felt like the books that were out in circulation on forensic pathology were too hard to digest and remember for the first and second year student. So he wrote his own!

My kind of guy. :-D When what is out there doesn't work, create something that does!

Yes, this is a great book for students wanting to bone up for a general overview. But what about us writers?

Aha! Now you get it...a research tool.

Inside this clever book, every chapter has well defined headings and sub-headings that make it simple to find what you are after from the index.

So let's say you are writing a story about a doctor, nurse, medical student, ill character, or even a character that lost a baby to SIDS. What? You don't know anything about doctor lingo? Holy cow, you need more info on symptoms for a patient your hero doctor is treating? And that medical student has a test coming up. What would she study?

Need I say more?

All right, I will.

The answers to those and more creative ideas are inside The Big Picture: Pathology.

Oh, I've been remiss. You need to know how to find this wonderful tool.

The Big Picture: Pathology by Walter L. Kemp

And a little about the book from it's back cover:
Get the BIG PICTURE of Pathology - and focus on what you really need to know to score high on the course and board exam

If you want a streamlined and definitive look at Pathology - one with just the right balance of information to give you the edge at exam time - turn to Pathology: The Big Picture. You'll find a succinct, user-friendly presentation especially designed to make even the most complex concept understandable in the shortest amount of study time possible.

This perfect pictorial and textual overview of Pathology delivers:

A “Big Picture” emphasis on what you must know verses “what's nice to know”
Expert authorship by award-winning, active instructors
Coverage of the full range of pathology topics - everything from cellular adaptations and injury to genetic disorders to inflammation to diseases of immunity
Magnificent 4-color illustrations
Numerous summary tables and figures for quick reference and rapid retention of even the most difficult topic
Highlighted key concepts that underscore integral aspects of histology (key concepts are also listed in a table at the end of each chapter)
USMLE-type questions, answers, and explanations to help you anticipate what you'll encounter on the exams
And much more!
ISBN# 978-0-07-147748-9

You know, I'm really glad I met Willy. I'm honored to introduce you to someone who is doing something to make this world a better place by helping others learn and grow.

Thanks for visiting today,

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