Monday, December 10, 2012

Grazing for weight loss

 Can you eat all day and still lose weight? Why yes you can!

 We can't graze all day on carbs and fats. But we can on super high foods that are low on the glycemic index. What foods are they? Tons of raw veggies, some fresh fruit, and wonderful high protein dips--perfect for your Christmas party platter! 

Don't be afraid to graze, just remember grazing should be mostly in the vegetable arena.
Check out these tips in the video and try the dip recipes. I promise you'll love them!
Do you have low-fat, high nutrient dips to share? Leave a comment with your dip recipe.

I tried to share a video with you, but something in the link isn't working to load it right here on the page today. So to correct that, here's the link to the video on KPAX's website. Otherwise, I've uploaded it to my twitter and facebook pages for you. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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