Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Hanging onto Faith in the Midst of Breast Cancer

Introducing Yvonne Ortega, my guest today on God Uses Broken Vessels. Today she will be answering some interview questions over at my group blog,

Yvonne shares:
When life seems to go along smoothly, we don’t struggle to believe God or to trust His ways. However, what happens when we receive a diagnosis of breast cancer?

On January 3, 2001, I heard the dreaded words, “malignant tumor.” I had breast cancer, and my world changed forever.

You may not have cancer, but each of us faces some kind of struggle. I found it helps to be honest with God. He knows what we’re thinking anyway. When we tell Him we’re riding an emotional roller coaster of fear, anger and depression, He helps us work through those emotions.
We can play praise and worship music day and night. With our focus on our heavenly Father, cancer or whatever we face seems small in comparison to Almighty God, our Rock, our Shield and our Strength.

As women, our hair and how it looks are important to us. However, some types of chemotherapy cause us to lose our hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. We can choose to withdraw and have a pity party or to believe God can use this experience for good in our lives and the lives of others.
In our daily quiet time we can include reading the Bible and memorizing Scriptures that promise us hope and healing.

I didn’t invite cancer into my life, but I am a stronger Christian and a woman who lives with purpose and passion because of cancer. I would have never become the published author of Finding Hope for Your Journey through Breast Cancer, if I hadn’t lived through it.
I now host the program, Hope for the Journey, for breast cancer patients at and archives are available 24/7. 

(Pssst...I added the link to get Yvonne's book if you would like. ~Angie)

I also send out a free weekly devotion in both English and Spanish. These outreaches of my ministry are a way to give back what others gave me during my bout with breast cancer and to praise the God who healed me.

Ask God to use your circumstances for His honor and glory and hang on to your seat. You are about to go on an incredible journey.

Copyright © October 2010 by Yvonne Ortega
Web site:

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