Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Today I'm exploring how to publish the Creative Cooking Series to hard copy.  It's out as ebook and CD book copies already. Now the requests from actual bookstores are coming in for a standard book style too.

Two books with more planned.
 Each meets a special need. Cooking for Colitis helps people with IBD issues. Simple Elegance helps people make simple, elegant, inexpensive meals. Same recipes, two different markets.

The problem is the cost to self-publish. Two books in the series means two sets of costs. The other problem is that I've already received requests for orders. The CD and e-books were doing fine. In fact in the self-publishing world, I've done great. Most self-published authors don't break even. So far I've been able to do that. Now though, I'm being asked to take it one step further.

If it were a standard book, no worries. That's actually more affordable because of the black and white printing. But these books are heavy with photography. I don't want to lose those photos because it's what makes the book special. The cook can see what the recipe is supposed to look like and several recipes show the stages of the recipe. So to meet the cost issue, I can only do one book at a time. It makes me sad to have to choose. Which would you do?

Another possibility is in presales. By preselling the book, it's possible to help offset the costs. But again, we're looking at the costs times two. In the meantime, I'm trying to decide on a solid company that will meet my needs with this series. Not an easy task. I'd love to hear from others about their experiences in choosing a company. I'm considering Westbow, Create Space, and open to others that allow me to have my design inside versus the cookbook template style designs. Remember I need to print full color.

Have you ever thought of self-publishing?
If you did, what would you publish?


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