Who likes change?
Well, I have to admit that I generally do. But recently I've realized that people don't really mind change so much as they mind the work that surrounds it.
Am I wrong?
I have a dear friend, Bonnie Calhoun, helping me to update my website by resizing photos and adjusting a few things to make it load faster. She's been giving me precious time to help me do things that I have no idea how to do.
The beauty is that it will speed up the website and I'm so excited!
The hard part is going in and editing things I've done over the last year. It means some dedicated time and effort. But I am so, so blessed that she came along.
In fact, she is an answer to prayer. I'd been praying about this because I didn't understand the problem. She made it not only easy to understand, but popped into my life and offered to help me! She had no idea I'd been praying for this and my prayers are being answered.
I'm going to do the uploads as fast as I possibly can, but I'm held captive to travel this week. But I'm going to announce it just as soon as it's all done :-) The website helps me sell jewelry to support 2 orphan homes in Kenya. So it's important to me to have it at optimal speed and use. I don't want to let those little kiddles down!
Change is hard when I'm in the effort mode, but I keep seeing the joy on the faces of the children and it makes it all worth it!
Thank you, Bonnie Calhoun, editor of Christian Fiction Online Magazine, for helping me. You are a true gift and answer to prayer.
How about you? Is change something you like or dislike?
If you break it down, is it the change or the work surrounding the change that is bothersome?
Since my life seems to be in a constant state of change, I must like it!
You're right, it's a lot of work. Good for you for tackling your blog project.
Oh if it were only the blog :-) It's the http://www.MyGemOfWisdom.com with all the jewelry photos and the gorgeous artwork background photo.
But it's going to be GREAT!
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