Monday, August 17, 2009

The Burning Need to Share

I'm conflicted. Maybe you have been at different crossroads as well.

Conflict causes choice. Once you come to that place, you have to make a decision which trail you will follow or even forge.

That's where I am right now, deciding to follow a known trail or forge one of my own into self-publishing.

The non-fiction book I've written (Insanity Rules: Gems of Wisdom) has done very well in several arenas. And yet it is still not published by the standard publishing world. I've taught online with it, created a line of jewelry that is well received, and am now finishing a workbook to use in seminars and regular online classes.

I've been asked by hundreds of people where they can buy this book. Well, if something doesn't pop soon, I'm going to have to make it available because it is getting too frustrating to keep making people wait on something that can really help them battle internal pirates and discover their own gems of wisdom. I need to tool for people to use in classes and seminars.

Why am I so determined about this book? Because every time I use it to teach, I have people tell me it helps them and improves their lives. I cannot let that go. It's my calling to share from what I've been given. We experience, we learn and we share. That is life. That is my heart--to help people with what I've already been through.

I have turned it over to God. What do I do Lord? How to I proceed? Which path?

I love Jeremiah 6:16 that says, "Stand at the crossroads and look. Search for the ancient way and walk in it..."

While the people in Jeremiah's time refused, I am standing. I am standing and looking, searching. I will walk in it when He brings the dawning of recognition that it is the way I should go and not depart from it.

If you feel so drawn, please pray for God to show me very plainly what path I'm to follow from the crossroads I'm standing at and looking down. Online classes start in October from my website, and I need the tool to do a better job teaching. I need to help my web gurus at Camna finish details to upload all the information on the online classes and Purposeful Life Coaching in between some very busy weeks as well. I know enough to keep heading in that direction. What I don't know is the detail of the book project yet.

I appreciate your prayers very much :-)

You can see more about the Gems of Wisdom series and jewelry at

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