I love to read! I read all over the board from self-help non-fiction to how-to and a huge variety of fiction. I read because I grow when I read. I've read parenting books to be a better mom, relationship books to have a better marriage and even speculative fiction that has helped me grow spiritually.
The speculative fiction surprised me. It was Demon-A Memoir. Short version, a fallen angel wants his story told and he finds a way to show how his job is to cause destruction in one person's life. LOVED IT!
Now I'm reading three books at a time. I'm reading a biblical fiction book, Havah: The story of Eve (also by Tosca Lee and I adore her writing) and Coming To Grips With Genesis which is a non-fiction apologetics book that I will be posting a review on in about a week. The third is a critique for a fellow writer and it's romantic inspirational fiction.
I hear other people like to read a variety of books too. I do it because one is to relieve stress, one is for work, and the third is returning a gift that has been done for me. But I regularly read 3-5 books at a time. It's just the eclectic way I live my life.
The thing I most love about reading is that I can find something to meet my mood, curiosity or relaxation any time. But I also like what I've learned from books. I feel like I've gained an entire world of knowledge that I use every day. It's such an amazing gift, reading. I feel like I'm a better person for all the gems of wisdom that other people have poured into me through their writing.
Are you eclectic? Do you recognize personal growth when you look back at who you were 2, 5, or 20 years ago? Do you read one book start to finish or do you read eclectically?
Today, I'm feeling very thankful. I'm thankful that God created the desire to write so that people like me who love to read could enjoy such a talent.
Love this! Thank you for writing this! Love and prayers Melody
I guess I hadn't thought about it too much, but I've always read several books at a time. And I also don't always finish every book. Some just aren't worth it. And like you, I have experienced much personal growth as a result of what I've read.
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