Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Havah: The Story of Eve by Tosca Lee

Tosca Lee, the author in the teal dress, with Angie at the American Christian Fiction Writer's conference this last weekend in Minneapolis. Tosca's days as a ballerina are absolutely noticeable in the way she carries herself with such grace! I love her writing and I completely agree with this awesome review. You just have to get this book. (You can find even more pictures of the conference at this link to Cecelia Dowdy's blog!)

A great review of Tosca's book from Publisher's Weekly!
Havah: The Story of Eve
Lee surprised the evangelical Christian literary world with her acclaimed Demon: A Memoir. Her fans will be equally pleased with her newest, a passionate and riveting story of the Bible’s first woman and her remarkable journey after being cast from paradise. Havah, Adam’s chosen name for Eve, recounts her life from a singular vantage point. From having known only blissful innocence, she must struggle through every post-Garden moment. Frustration compounds her plight as she repeatedly attempts to regain her former idyllic existence and repeatedly fails. Havah’s life becomes a fight for survival once she and Adam are cast from the Garden, and Lee’s poetic prose beautifully depicts the couple’s slow surrender to a world tending to destruction. Havah gives birth, raises a brood of children, watches one son kill another, observes disease and death. Yet all the while, she waits for the fulfillment of “the One” (God) who will bring reconciliation and redemption through her seed. Lee’s superior storytelling will have readers weeping for all that Havah forfeited by a single damning choice. (Oct.)

NavPress, $14.99 paper (368p) ISBN 9781600061240

More info available at www.ToscaLee.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that does sound interesting. I have Demon on my reading list, so I'm slowing getting to it....:-) That book sounds equally as good as the story of Eve.
