Monday, September 22, 2008

The Encore Effect by Mark Sanborn

Book: The Encore Effect

Author: Mark Sanborn

Everyone wants to make a difference in the world, but most have no idea how to maximize their impact. In The Encore Effect, best-selling author and leadership expert Mark Sanborn provides the answer. He leads readers in six practices that will move them beyond excellence to distinction and from mundane to memorable. These principles guide readers to draw on their passion and devote themselves to preparation, practice, presentation, polishing, and finally, avoiding pitfalls. When readers follow these principles they will find that people are attracted to them. More importantly, they’ll find that they now have an influence over others that can impact lives for eternity.

By following the six principles of The Encore Effect, readers can:

Deliver a remarkable performance in everything they do
Elevate the performance of the people they lead and influence
Extend and deepen the impact they have on others—even for eternity.
This special edition, distributed through the CBA, will include unique content such as scripture verses, biblical illustrations, and discussion questions.

Interview you don't want to miss!
Angie: What brought this topic to your attention, Mark? Why did you want to write about it?

Mark: I’ve been a student of success and human behavior for many years and am always interested in what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary and what enables people to become remarkable in their work. It is easy to spot what’s wrong in business and life but I’d rather focus on what’s right and how to make things better.

Angie: How did you notice and determine the principles of the Encore Effect? Did they blare at you or grow on you over time?

Mark: They have become very apparent over time. Success is rarely easy but it is often simple. While there are many behaviors, tactics and techniques that create success, I believe in the need for a replicable process and philosophy, and that’s what I’ve written about in The Encore Effect.

Angie: If you could advise us to start with one principle, which would you consider the most practical for time constricted folks?

Mark: Time constricted folks? That would be just about everybody these days. I think preparation is primary: without it the practice, performance and polish all become less effective. Just investing a brief amount of time in thinking about what you’re trying to accomplish and how to best do it will save significant time.

Angie: Today's lifestyle for the working woman seems overwhelming and chaotic and yet, I believe the desire in her heart is to make a difference and significant contribution in the world. What do you think would most help anyone manage the mundane "have to" list and begin the journey to memorable? We can't really never do laundry or dishes again.

Mark: Of course not. There is much in life that needs to be done and done well but not remarkably. Why not identify one activity or relationship each day to make remarkable? Do everything that needs to be done as well as it needs to be done but look for that “one opportunity” to move into the remarkable zone.

Angie: Why do you suppose people "settle" for the mundane? Isn't there an inborn desire to achieve?

Mark: Yes, I believe we have been imprinted with a need for significance. God intends us to be a blessing to others, and in being of service we are fulfilling that need. Someone once said a cynic is just a passionate person who doesn’t want to be disappointed again. I think disappointment in general and living in a fallen world in particular often squelches that need for significance or drives people in unhealthy directions.

Angie: I love the descriptive words you use, "influence" and "impact." Could you tell us how they differ? How we know we are influencing someone versus forcing our opinion on them?

Mark: Influence is about affecting the behavior of others; changing what they do. Impact is about the affect you have on another person or situation. We can impact directly or use our influence to help others create positive impact.

Angie: Do you live on a schedule or day timer? It seems like people who achieve a lot are very regimented. Is that what you are teaching here? Do more and do it with more passion?

Mark: I’m not rigid but I’m disciplined. I am clear about what I’m trying to accomplish most of the time. I have often said I could reduce all my work into this sentence: Fear nothing but to waste the present moments. If you use the moments well, the moments create a significant and fulfilling life.

Angie: What is the dream in your heart that you hope this book does for the reader?

Mark: Simply that they will find both the encouragement and the techniques to fulfill more of their God-given purpose and potential.

Angie: Speak to the writers out there now, please. They have day jobs, kids, sandwiched generations, and often looming book deadlines. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. But you write, teach and speak. Tell us a little about the how-to for the writer.

Mark: This will sound redundant, but you make time to write. You don’t wait until you have time or you’ll never write. You do it while waiting in the line at school to pick up your kids, or over lunch or maybe you just get up 15 minutes earlier. You become a write like you become anything: by doing it over and over and striving to get better and better.

Angie: Just out of curiosity, have you considered writing a novel with a character that goes through the changes to become a person of impact?

Mark: I have. My wife Darla has encouraged me to do that. I’m still trying to master non-fiction. Maybe someday I’ll tackle the challenge of fiction.

Angie: How would a person recognize latent talent or desire to lead?

Mark: If you desire to make your home, community, church or world a little better, that’s a sign of leadership, whether or not you have a title.

Angie: What if someone said, "I'm too old. I could never be more than I am. I've lived the best way I know how." Really, I think they are saying, "Is it too late for me?" What would you say to encourage them toward a memorable and impacting life?

Mark: My friend Margaret Parker is in her mid-eighties and one of the most vibrant people I know. She’s still reading, learning and growing, and she’s never lost her enthusiasm for any of those things. She inspires me. If someone says they’re too old, I’d just point to Ms. Parker.

Author Bio:

Mark Sanborn is the best-selling author of The Fred Factor and You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader. An internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, Sanborn is president of Sanborn & Associates, Inc., an idea studio for leadership development. Having served as president of two national organizations, he regularly keynotes meetings in the United States and abroad—speaking on leadership, team building, customer service, and mastering change. He and his family live near Denver, Colorado.

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