Thursday, July 17, 2008

Newest Mission Update in Kenya

Hi Friends,

I get so excited when I hear from my son and daughter-in-law over in Kenya. They are on a 2 month mission to the people of Kenya. I just opened up this latest email and wanted to share it with those who are following the servant mission.


Hey all! Bwana Asafiwe!
We are finished with our Mission Assignment at Neema Children's Home and are now back in Nairobi. Katie is resting right now, but she and the baby are doing very well. I'm starting to think that being around all of the kids playing football (soccer) has inspired our child...the baby has been kicking often and hard.
We are back with our team now and the staff surprised us with a belated 4th of July lunch today (I have never been so excited to see a hamburger in my life!) Even though the Kenyan food has all been very good, we found out just how much we missed American food.

The next few weeks are supposed to be very busy as we zip around Nairobi doing different projects (the first of which will take us back into the Mathare Valley Slums) as well as learning about Hinduism and Islam in Kenya. It was very hard to say "Kwa Herini" (goodbye) to the children yesterday...we had really become a part of the Neema family...but we are glad to be on the next leg of our journey.

Please pray for God to give us strength and energy to push us through the last few weeks here. Though the three of us are still very healthy, we have not really had a day off since we got here and it has been taking its toll on us. We are very physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired.

Lastly, as we prepare to head back to America in the next few weeks, the issue of finances pops its head back up. After returning to the US, we will still have $2900 of our total left to pay for this trip. (Intervarsity has covered that amount for us until we return). While some have suggested that we hold the new baby hostage here in Africa until the funds show up, we know that isn't necessary. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. So many of you have already donated toward this cause and we pray that God bless you all for your support.

There are a few addresses in our list that have typos in them, and because of time constraints combined with slow internet service we aren't able to correct them all. (We also pay for usage by the minute). Please continue to forward this message to anyone who might have been missed because of this error.

We love you all very much and are looking forward to sharing pictures and stories with you soon. Mungu akubariki (God bless you).

In Him,
Devan (Katie and baby too!)

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