We had a rip-roaring snowball fight at our house last night. Get a good look at the size of the snowballs. Then imagine the kids going from the front yard to the back yard, and vice versa, through my living room carrying said snowballs to clobber unsuspecting victims.
Anyway, I really hope the internet works for my show and tell today. You should have seen the literal carpet of snow in my house! My hubby had to keep sweeping it out. It got a few inches deep on our carpet all over the place. But the laughter and joy was worth it. And it was great to have him taking care of the snow pack:-D
The snow is wet and heavy. It's knocked out power all over town and we've lost power so many times I can't keep up.
So hopefully, I'll get this post out with photos. If not, I'll keep trying. I have several posts for this week planned, including some book reviews.
Mariah, here's the snow you are missing:-D (For those of you who don't know, she's in Thailand in sweltering heat, lol, missing the snow.)
I'm going to post now and come back later to add the photos. Blogger doesn't like me at this moment. Probably from all the power outages today. sigh. I promise to try again later.
Thanks for your patience, the pictures are worth waiting for. Unfortunately, blogger keeps freezing and not loading them.
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