Saturday, October 02, 2010

A Friend in the Storm by Cheryl Ricker

Sometimes life is a bit rocky. A friend comes along and says a little word of encouragement, usually no more than a few sentences. We walk away lifted, stronger, and more able to face the rest of the day or situation.

Cheryl Ricker has done exactly that with her book, A Friend in the Storm. A quote, a verse, and a short few poetic phrases. The combination sets me off for a better day even on rough ones.

She gave her little book to me at the ACFW conference a few weeks ago. It was a sweet gesture of friendship and one I have privately been grateful for over the last few busy weeks in my life. I've stopped several times just for an uplifting word or thought.

Do you have a friend needing a little courage?
What about someone who has been through a rough spell lately?
What about you? Is life just a bit much?

I highly suggest taking a moment here and there to brighten what may feel like a storm into a much sunnier place to live by refocusing your mind with a page or two from A Friend in the Storm. Such an apt title!

Thank you, Cheryl, for being the kind of person that would write a book that feels like an uplifting friend.

Here's a sample poem that I asked Cheryl if I might use when I give talks based on Gems of Wisdom. It stunned me how perfectly it fit. (She said yes, by the way.)

In whirlwinds of confusion
when cold questions press you tight,
ask Me close and I will hold you
by a love surpassing sight.

You're My treasure, bright with promise,
and I live to see you reign;
As we cross this bridge together,
I will lead you through the pain.
by Cheryl Ricker 
p. 7 of A Friend in the Storm

About the Author: Author Cheryl Ricker reaches into the depths of human suffering from the perspective of Christ speaking to the reader in soothing poetic truth. This elegant gift book lightens the heart and soul of anyone facing difficult circumstances, leading them through their suffering into the arms of a faithful loving God.
Each two-page spread includes a poem, as well as reflections written by Christian leaders, along with healing Scripture verses. An elegant foil-stamped fabric binding makes this the perfect gift.

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