You are cordially invited to come to an open house party with me at the Missoula Weight Watchers
Center tomorrow.
Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2010
1-4 p.m.
Click on the address to map it.
I'll be teaching how the program works for FREE!
Here's my before and after photos.
Size 14 down to 4/6!
Size 14 down to 4/6!
I gained enough confidence to compete for and win
Mrs. Montana International 2009! I'd have never thought I could before!
Come get your questions answered in a friendly, safe, relaxed environment. Try out some sample treats like chocolate mint mini bars, my favorite, and high fiber muffin tops.
Learn why people are so successful using Weight Watchers
Find out if Weight Watchers is the program
to help you reach the healthy goal or re-energize your weight loss efforts.
Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2010
1-4 p.m.
(Map it.)
I'll do a drawing for prizes every hour and helping friends learn how to gain confidence in themselves through weight loss.
We'll have BMI index testing, a grand prize basket of Weight Watchers products, several employees to answer questions, sample meetings, open doors for people to drop in and buy Weight Watcher special treats, snacks, cookbooks, scales, and tools to help in your healthy weight loss journey.
There will be guest vendors too! If you're a fan of Silpada Jewelry, a representative will be there to share her line.
The Missoula Weight Watcher Center has gone through a face lift adding a computer system that simplifies and speeds the check-in process. If you haven't been in lately, you'll be very impressed with our new weigh-in system.
Bring a friend who decides to join and be entered in the Grand Prize Drawing! You should see the size of that basket!
But the real benefit will be in loving your friend enough to support her desire to get healthy.
Come visit, there's no cost and nothing to lose. You get to find out what Weight Watchers Program is really all about, sample a meeting, taste some of my favorite treats, and enjoy really nice people and a fun event. What are you waiting for? It doesn't get any easier than this opportunity :-)
It's about choices. Empowering choices!
Come see how I lost 35 pounds and took back control of my own health through Weight Watchers. I want to help you too.
~Angie Breidenbach,
Weight Watcher Leader & Confidence Coach
Oh, I forgot to mention that if you don't live in Missoula there are Weight Watcher's open houses happening all over the country this Saturday and the next! So don't miss out just because you aren't in my town :-)
You dropped a lot of sizes - good for you! When my husband and I changed our eating habits almost eight years ago, I went from a 12/14 to a 2/4. Feels really good to do that, doesn't it?
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