Saturday, September 26, 2009


I've just had the funniest conversation with a friend. We connected at a conference a couple of years ago and have built on the friendship again at a recent reconvening.

We both discovered that fame and fortune are foreign concepts. We started talking about someone we'd met recently that the world considers famous, and neither of us realized he was famous. We happened to be in the right spot at the right time to chat with him. (I had to go upstairs to my hotel room later and look him up online, lol.)

How do you feel about fame?

Is it something you want?

I'd like to have the opportunity to affect the world in a big way. Yes, that takes marketing and recognition. But fame seems hollow. I want to touch people's lives, not be "known."

What about fortune?

Do you want to be rich?

For me, money is a tool. It has a purpose. I hope that I'm able to use the tools God gives me to help people too. Yes, I want to pay my bills and grow my business. But I don't want to be a hoarder. I don't want to be like Scrooge so busy counting cold coins that I have no relationships.

How do you see fame and fortune?

Angie has a new class starting up on Oct. 5th. 8 weeks learning how to battle those pirates that hold you back from goals and dreams. Come see if the class will help you.


Catherine West said...

Money is definitely a tool, but sadly a necessary one, unless you enjoy living in the forest. As believers, I think we must be good stewards with whatever God entrusts to us, be that enough to get by each month, or a fortune. I don't subscribe to the belief that it is wrong for Christians to be wealthy. It is wrong if they are using that wealth improperly, only for their own benefit, and not for God's glory. I am blessed to have a beautiful home, but I would hate to think people want to come visit just to see the house, and not the people inside of it. Does that make sense?

AngBreidenbach said...

Absolutely it makes sense, Cathy. I don't think God wants us to be destitute, but to be hosts and hostesses for the people he loves. It's amazing how we are given the ability to use our homes and that as women, especially but not only, we are imbued with the desire to share.

Thank you!

Jinnia Low said...

I totally agree! Money is a tool, a seed to be sown into others' lives. It is sad when believers think it's wrong to be wealthy. I used to be one of them.

AngBreidenbach said...

I so agree, Jinnia. It bothers me when anyone prejudges another because they HAVE money. I've been amazed at the generosity of people who have, and use their, money to bless others. It's inspiring.
Thank you for bringing that up.